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The name is the clever brain child of my twin brother and I, but wherever I go I get asked what it means.

So here it is: my initials before I got married were 'ARH' sound like the noise a pirate, or someone who has grown up in Wiltshire and whose grandparents have a farm, sound like! Additionally, I want people to enjoy the experience of browsing the stall - hunt through the rails, touch the fabrics, gaze at the colours...try it on and oo arh!

Brief History:

I started oo arh! In my placement year as a way of filling the gaps between placements with companies (see blog for more information about what I turned my hand to!) and giving me something to focus my creativity on. I spent the year designing and making and then traded for the first time at WOMAD 2015, we had been going as a family for at least 5 years so it felt like the best festival to start with because it was not too daunting and extremely exciting to be on the other side of the fences! I managed to keep the creating up during my final year and attended WOMAD 2016 and Boondocks. After moving out of my family home, I decided to get stuck into some local festivals in my new part of the world and have really enjoyed the adventure. Oo arh! also gives me an excellent excuse to continue going to festivals - their atmosphere is something never experienced outside those fenced fields, wherever they spring up, a community of music, fun, and happiness is grown and I absolutely love being a part of it!













































If you have any questions or you would like to place an

order please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Or just keep up to date with oo arh! news through the links below!

Hope to see you at one of our upcoming events!







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